Last month, on the very same day, two patients came back to my office after many, many months. Both patients had gained over 30 pounds since I last saw them. Both were discouraged, and wanted some help to get back on track. Both were over 250 pounds. Today I saw them both in the office.
Patient A – lost 10 pounds, is excited, is energized and has a plan. She also joined the 90 day challenge. She is following the challenge to the letter and is enjoying the variety of shakes. The day I saw her in the office I received an email stating she had ordered the shakes. She’s planning for success.
Patient B – gained 0.5 pounds. Said she didn’t like shakes, they made her gassy. I recalled the days when we did lots of duodenal switch operations, and all those patients who said they would trade gas for weight loss any day. In her case it was probably the milk she used in the shake, and I told her to consider using almond milk, or rice milk, or some non-dairy product. She didn’t want to do that. Her “plan” is to eat less, and get healthy.
If you want to get back on the wagon you need a plan, not an excuse. The 90-day challenge provides a plan. Between the Lap-Band and the 90-day challenge Patient A is back, smiling and running with it. Patient B is hoping something works.
Think about getting a plan. To see the 90 day challenge click here.
Dr Terry Simpson
Dr. Terry Simpson is a Phoenix weight loss surgeon. He encourages his lap-band surgery patients to learn to cook and adopt healthier lifestyles. His goal is to use culinary medicine to keep patients out of his operating room.
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