What do we do for weight loss? What menu plans can we suggest? This is what we recommend to all of our patients – it is simple, and easy -and you can do it. We also recommend this diet for our patients whose bands are unfilled for a time so that they can keep the positive weight loss moving toward loss instead of regain.
Then there are the patients who have not changed their eating habits and need to – here is a plan for you.
Every Day for Lunch –
In addition to whatever else you eat you must have two whole fruits.
Whole Fruits are the Basis for lunch
They must be whole- and not a fruit cup. Two apples, an apple and an orange, a grapefruit and an apple. So, no matter what else they eat – they must have these two fruits.
Every Mid Day – before dinner by two hours they Must have one whole fruit. That is simple, it is the middle of the day and they must have something. A banana is a great option.
Sometimes mid day we recommend 1 ounce of almonds (which is about 23 almonds) – no more. But that crunch and the bit of protein and fat help.
Every Night For Dinner
In addition to whatever they have they must have at least 12 ounces of vegetables. Those vegetables are
(a) Green Beans
(b) Broccoli
(c) Cauliflower
(d) Brussels Sprouts
(e) Asparagus
(f) Squash
(g) Bok Choi
(h) Spinach
(i) Kale
12 ounces of great vegetables is a great start to a meal
Yes- that is a lot of vegetables but what this does is fill a person up on the good things, so there is much less room for other foods. Here is an example of what a dinner would look like:
Eating Big- Steak and beans with mustard sauce
By eating a lot of vegetables at dinner it leaves much less room for calorie dense foods. Protein is still a key, and in this case we have added 3 ounces of a great steak. But it is sliced thin so that they can visualize it over a full plate easily. We call this Eat Big but Small.
In addition:
Two times a week they must have fish. This is with the American Heart Association recommendation – so there are a lot of fish that we recommend:
You cannot get any fresher fish – and it helps your heart
Foods we tell our patients to quit entirely:
(a) All soda – you cannot have this after weight loss surgery anyway
(b) No more than one slice of bread per day
(c) No more than 1 tablespoon of rice per day
(d) No more than 1/4 cup of pasta per week
(e) No more than 1 potato per day (must be whole, not fried, baked only – although we prefer a yam)
All patients are encouraged to prepare their own meals, and encouraged to use Sous Vide Cooking Method.
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Dr Terry Simpson
Dr. Terry Simpson is a Phoenix weight loss surgeon. He encourages his lap-band surgery patients to learn to cook and adopt healthier lifestyles. His goal is to use culinary medicine to keep patients out of his operating room. www.drterrysimpson.com
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