Making the choice for Visalus shakes for my weight loss surgery patients was easy. The shakes provide the nutrition my patients need, they taste great, they are inexpensive, they are delivered to the patient’s door, and some patients can get them free or even make some money with them.
We have used protein shakes for twenty years, the first protein shakes that were available cost patients over $20 a day, and tasted not quite as good as chalk. The cost decreased, the taste of the shakes became a bit better. Still patients would develop flavor fatigue from the chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla (usually ordering only one). Then I discovered Visalus.
Visalus gave one flavor, that tasted great by itself, but with so many recipes and varieties that patients wouldn’t get flavor fatigue. At a cost of $1.87 a shake, it is a bargain. My personal favorites are peanut butter and jam in the morning and the coffee blend (cheaper than any coffee drink, more nutritious, and better tasting) for my afternoon pick- me up
For some patients we prescribe protein shakes before surgery to help decrease the fat in their liver, and get the patient in good nutritional shape for surgery. Right after weight loss surgery patients need protein as their stomach recovers, and before we start them on solid food. Later on, patients need to learn a lifestyle that will enable them to lose more weight or keep the weight off.
For twenty years that I have been doing weight loss surgery, the patients who do well are those that adapt a lifestyle that allows them to lose weight in a healthy manner and keep it off. Visalus provides another tool to help with that challenge.
Marketing the shakes
Several patients have asked if the shakes are a “marketing scheme.” There is no doubt that a component of Visalus is marketing, as it is for many weight loss programs. But it isn’t a scheme, and I’m not offering these shakes for any reason other than this:
(a) They have the nutritional component I want for my patients
(b) They taste great by themselves
(c) They have a lot of recipes
(d) The company provides a challenge where patients can chart their course and even win prizes
(e) The cost is less than comparable shakes, but these taste better
If patients want to market the shakes themselves, and earn money by promoting a health challenge to people- I am all for it. But the bottom line remains- these shakes are just better than the other shakes out there.
Dr. Terry Simpson has been doing weight loss surgery for over 20 years in Phoenix. He has written several books, authored a number of scientific papers, and been the medical editor for Obesity Help Magazine, as well as the medical correspondent for the syndicated television show Daytime. For more information visit
Dr Terry Simpson
Dr. Terry Simpson is a Phoenix weight loss surgeon. He encourages his lap-band surgery patients to learn to cook and adopt healthier lifestyles. His goal is to use culinary medicine to keep patients out of his operating room.
Dr Terry Simpson says:
It is a 90 day challenge, and you can find the shakes at . You should consult with a physician if you have any questions